Meetings Aim to Gather Input And Unite The Arts Community

Tampa, FL. – The Tampa Arts Alliance (Alliance) has announced a series of Arts Townhall meetings to gather community feedback about the arts in Tampa and Hillsborough County. The Tampa Arts Alliance is a non-governmental arts organization created by arts leaders to build the Tampa arts scene.

The schedule is:

  • Sept 1- South Tampa– Virtual
  • Sept 14- West Tampa– Virtual
  • Sept 29- North Tampa– Virtual
  • October 6- East Tampa– Virtual
  • October 13- Downtown/Ybor (tentatively in person)

Visit for links to register.

All meetings are open to Tampa and Hillsborough residents regardless of where they live. Attendees are also encouraged to attend more than one meeting.

“We want to hear from artists, arts advocates, art buyers and anyone interested in the arts. Community feedback is important as our organization moves forward plans to build the arts in our city.” said Neil Gobioff, Chair of The Tampa Arts Alliance, a new non-profit established in June 2021.

“We researched how similar arts organizations across the state and country operate. Each has a different structure and focus organic to the community they serve. In Tampa it’s clear there are numerous projects the Alliance can jump into, but first we want to hear from the individuals and institutions we intend to serve.”

Additionally, the Arts Townhalls are structured by region to allow elected officials who would like to attend to hear from their constituents. “Our local leadership supports the arts and takes note when the arts community speaks up. Just prior to the pandemic arts leaders produced forums, debates, and roundtables. The unprecedented attendance demonstrated to policy setters that the arts are a vital part of our local economy. We want to keep that momentum going. During the pandemic, the arts cannot afford to become forgotten in the mix of competing demands.“ added Gobioff.

“Initially we wanted these meetings to be in-person, but we are being mindful of health and safety.” said Michele Smith, Interim Executive Director. “The first four meetings will be virtual and the last, in Downtown, is planned to be in-person, conditions permitting. Each will be an organic conversation that allows attendees to share actively.”

Neil Gobioff, Gobioff Foundation, and Bill Carlson, Tucker/Hall, will facilitate the Arts Townhalls.


Michele Smith